Canadian Tandem User Group
Affiliate Member of the HPE Connect Community
The 2024 CTUG Conference is almost here! Register via Eventbrite.

CTUG is a Not-for-Profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the NonStop™ user community in Canada.
CTUG is the community’s recognized advocate for Hewlett Packard Enterprise Canada. CTUG also works closely with the international community through a long-standing affiliation with Connect, the Independent Hewlett Packard Enterprise Technology User Community.
CTUG Member Benefits
As a result of this affiliation, CTUG members are eligible for complimentary membership in Connect, which provides many benefits:
- Discount tickets to HPE’s annual Technology Forum & Expo
- Read and post blogs, join discussions, and connect with your colleagues on the Connect Social Networking Website, myCommunity
- Associate with other members who have the same HP technology interests as you through Special Interest Groups
- Access to educational events and webcasts
- Strengthen your knowledge base through a variety of educational and training opportunities available through Connect

Annual CTUG Conference
Each year the CTUG board looks forward to hosting the CTUG Conference. It is an excellent opportunity to bring the Canadian HPE NonStop User community together for a couple of days of learning, networking, and, socializing!